How to achieve a monk mindset in 14 days without the need to become a monk
I've put together a free workshop that shows you behind the scenes of the monk mindset
transform your
Thoughts, to gain clarity
Your habits, to build lasting success
Your life, and break barriers
You will learn the art of meditation in motion
How to bring stillness into a chaotic day
How to switch mindsets in seconds
Free, but limited spots:
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The 'observer method'
You will learn an ancient meditative practice, to enter a state of stillness and calm with techniques to trigger the meditative state at will into daily life
The 'breath' body
With simple breath-work techniques, you will be able remain calm and sharpen focus
Story telling
With simple yet profound ancient stories full of meaning , you will experience the depths of these teachings
"I have been practicing meditation for many years , but this was a game changer for me" Sakshi Dave
Why listen to me on this?
Hi, I'm Hari
When I was 15, I left the UK to go to India to become a monk, there I learnt yoga, meditation and Sanskrit. The last 6 years as a monk I spent in the UK. The challenge I faced when I left, was how to re integrate into normal life? That too, from a spiritual and protected background.
It was through further years of studying and practicing the wisdom of the Ancient Tantric Teachings that I gained unique insights, that the spiritual and the material worlds are not opposed or exclusive of each other. In fact if both are embraced with the correct attitude, the right mindset and with certain techniques, they can be the building blocks of a very successful and fulfilling life.
I believe these teachings have transformed my life and I would love to share them with you.